Thursday 3 January 2013

2012, the year that was.

Yes, it's that time again. The annual analysis of the year that was.

In case you want to take a look at previous years (I have quite a stack of these now) you can find them below:

2011, 2010, 2009

1. What did you do in 2012 that you'd never done before?

Celebrated living in the same place for five years. Watched numerous Olympic and Paralympic events live. Saw the Queen (and almost peed my pants with excitement).

2. What countries did you visit?

I went to Wales for the weekend; Ghana for a week; Barcelona, Spain for sangria; and to Russia with mum.

3. What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012?

Better judgement.

4. What date from 2012 will remain firmly etched upon your memory, and why?

That one is going to have to remain my secret. But boy is it etched in there...

5. What was your biggest achievement of the year, and why?

Probably finally paying off my student loan. That and drinking A LOT of cocktails.

6. Did you suffer illness or injury?

Nope. Once again I came off scot free. 

7. What was the best thing you bought?

Numerous items from eBay including: my vintage satchel, my fabulous 1980s anglepoise lamp, a silk blouse with great buttons, and black Audrey Hepburn style dress which I'll never have occasion to wear, but adore all the same.

8. Whose behaviour merited celebration?

Once again the trophy has to go to the Franconia ladies, and also my biggest sister for always being on the end of emails and texts when I've had the frequent disasters that 2012 has brought with it. Oh and finally my beautiful friends Kate and Brent for taking the leap and starting their own business.

9. Where did most of your money go?

On final payments to my student loan, flat whites, tickets to events, and vintage items on eBay.

10. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

Aside from seeing the Queen at Royal Ascot, definitely standing on the side of the Thames watching the flotilla of boats pass for the Royal Jubilee celebrations. Also being lucky enough to go to three events for Olympics and Paralympics.

11. What do you wish you'd done more of?

Studying. Again.

12. What do you wish you'd done less of?

No regrets. It's a policy.

13. What did you want and get?

A ridiculously fun year; a visit from my Ma; a lot of laughter, and some fabulous new friends.

14. What did you want and not get?

The Master's. Again. And something else which I'm probably better off not having anyway..

15. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and did you make any for 2013?

2012's resolutions were: do an Olympic distance triathlon, finish my masters, pay off my student loan, work less, live more.

The Olympic distance triathlon idea went out the window fairly quickly once I realised I actually detest swimming front crawl up and down a pool. I even took swimming lessons but after a while managed to find many other things to spend my time on that weren't water-based. Perhaps I'll go back to duathlons..

The masters remains a shackle but one which I'm hoping I'll finally be released of in two months' time.

I did manage to pay off my student loan which was a great feeling. I now no longer need to throw handfuls of cash in the direction of New Zealand for what seems like no reason or purpose whatsoever.

And finally on the work less, and live more? I most certainly did that.

2012 will go down in Emma history as the year I managed to squeeze more fun from, than I ever thought possible. Everything from dancing the night away at the Notting Hill Arts Club until 3.30am on a school night; doing a poor version of the Charleston to a big band in a grand hall near Euston; flicking the braces of soldiers and sailors at a Blitz party in tunnels under Waterloo; attending a beautiful Sikh wedding; finding our way into a private box at Royal Ascot with too much champagne and some dainty finger sandwiches; somehow ending up at a members' club in Moorgate attending the 30th of someone I'd never met; and making it out of London to dance in a tent, under lit up trees on mid-summer's night.

So, what about 2013's resolutions, I hear you ask. Well...

To unsubscribe to all the annoying emails I get from shops I bought stuff from once, petitions I signed years ago, and voucher companies who continually try to sell me overpriced unidentifiable beauty treatments.

To actually bring back the dying art of writing letters. I've said this before, but this time I'd like to actually do it.

And I'd like to learn to sew. Properly. With a machine and patterns and everything.

Here's to another crazy, beautiful year on this earth.


  1. Love it! Which reminds me, I must do mine. Special K must live again! xxx

  2. Yes! Yes! Yes! Please bring back Special K. That would just about make my year xxx

  3. I would love to get a real letter. We could be pen pals.

  4. Oh yes please! I'll go first. I reckon I know where to find you xx

  5. Oh my that is so exciting!! When I had pen pals that lived overseas when I was wee I sent them little trinkets of interest from New Zealand.

  6. Do you think Dusty and Havoc would count as trinkets of interest from New Zealand?

  7. Only too happy to jam those dogs in a aerogramme ...

  8. *into an aerogramme

  9. could pop you into a wee aerogramme too Big Sis? You must be bursting to go with the birth of the newest princess/prince fast approaching!

    Imagine the tea towels and tea cups there will be for sale!

  10. You don't even know how excited I was to get your letter today! Oh my to read a real letter in handwriting! I am off to buy a stationary set tomorrow to write my reply. xx

  11. Oh I'm so pleased! I hope you didn't mind so much just reading my pointless blathering... Xx
