Take four massive onions from the farmers' market just down the road....

Chop 'em up with a big chef's knife

Throw into your biggest pan...

Cover in brown sugar, red wine, some thyme and butter. Then cook for a reaaaally long time until syrupy.

Pop in some cute wee jars you've got left over from last year's batch and offer up to happy housemates as a delicious topping for delights like bangers & mash, cheese & crackers, or perhaps a slice or two of beef.
I like how you have used the word 'wee' to describe the jars. Mostly a Norn Iron or Scottish word I am glad to see it used. Is this something they say in your homeland?
I'm going to say yes. It's probably more commonly heard in the form of 'I need a....' but you'd definitely hear it used to describe 'wee things, people, jars....' etc. Brought over from the mother countries I'd guess.
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