Sunday 5 February 2012

NZ for Christmas

This Christmas just been I was in New Zealand. For the first time in five years I managed a summery festive season. It was great.

I got to hang out with the nieces....

And the nephew...

We drank excellent New Zealand beer in the sunshine on Christmas Eve. And Christmas Day. And Boxing Day.

On Christmas morning we shelled beans (cue Deliverance banjo)

And drank champagne.

The adults took a civilised dip in the pool...

And then rode their bikes.

We all watched Queenie...

And then shot stuff (cue Deliverance again).

Back in Wellington, we had supreme fush and chups and drank more beer.

And on another day, somewhere north of Wellington, I saw a defective (but quite cute) kiwi.

Thanks New Zealand. It was fun.


big sis said...

That is all so cute! I love the little kiwi ...

Havoc said...

I love this Aunty Emma! (But how come Dusty and I never get to drink beer?)

Nicki Natter said...

Oh...sob good times!

Ma and Pa said...

So good to have you in the land of banjopickers and flatheads, come back soon...ya hear!
Miss you Ma and Pa