It's that time again in London. A time of delayed trains, salted pavements, bad pun weather headlines, and dusting off your wellies. Yep, that's right, it's snow time.
There's nothing like waking up on a Sunday morning, poking your slightly dusty head around the corner and seeing white. Just a whole lot of white.
There's only one thing to do in this situation. Go back to bed. But after some more sleep, you have to get up and make a snowman.
For only my second ever snowman, I think he's a pretty good effort. We even had people requesting photos with him. And a dog peed on him. Surely the highest form of flattery?
He's a bit grubby! Is he a homeless snowman?
he looks like he is doing that photo trick thing where
you pretend to hold something big in the background. People often do it with the Eiffel Tower. In this instance the snowman is trying to hold the tree on the right. xxxx
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