Saturday 19 April 2008

The Deserter

I've always been amazed at the way my belongings manage to stick with me. Particularly after a long night. If you could see footage of me returning home, you would see me climb out of a taxi and hold the door open as my wallet, jacket, keys and mobile phone jump out, thank the driver (my belongings are very polite) and head for my front door like one big, happy family.

When I wake the next morning, I will always find them lying next to me, tittering away to each other about what a great night they had.

Unfortunately last night there was a deserter.

When I awoke this morning, Wallet was flat out on the floor, still sleeping; Keys were in bed next to me, one arm shielding their eyes from the morning light; Jacket was curled up at the end of the bed like a dutiful puppy. Phone, however, was nowhere in sight. In fact, it seems that Phone didn't come home at all last night.

To say I am disappointed in Phone is an understatement. But as the phrase goes: 'If you love something set it free. If it comes back to you, then it is yours. If not, then it is now some other lucky person's'.

In a way I hope Phone left on its own accord. For new and exciting adventures.

Thanks for the good times Phone. We'll all miss you.


Nicki Natter said...

I am sorry to hear about phone he has obviously felt it is time to move on to bigger and brighter things....or maybe he just got lucky and will be home later?

Nomadic Emma said...

Thanks - I selfishly hope the latter. We tried to call him last night but it just rang and rang. We even left a message telling him to come home, but to no avail. I just hope he's ok.

Anonymous said...

Vrrrrrrrt vrt vrt vrt. Vrrrrrrrrt.