Wednesday 18 March 2009

Life is sweet

Sometimes, when work seems to be constantly pressing on my shoulders; or I have to stand the entire way on the tube for the 64th time and some man is standing so close his laptop is about to give me a hernia; the line in Sainsbury's is going back around to the baskets; and my fridge just gives me a vacant stare when I open it, and the recycling seems to be in the same overflowing state constantly.... I have to remember just how good life is right now.

The country I chose to live in, chose me by handing me a visa. No longer do I wake up in the middle of the night in a panic about where I might be in two months' time.

I have many wonderful personalities in my life. I am truly blessed to know such great beings. My ever-delightful housemates; a very amusing and diverse array of office deskmates who share their secret biscuit stash and desert-dry sense of humour with me; friends who ask me over for a cheeky pinot grigio on a Saturday afternoon or accompany me to the Tate Members Bar for an afternoon of pretension; and a wonderful person who, if I'm feeling rubbish but denying it, will look at me with a tilt of the head and frowned forehead and ask 'are you sure you're ok?'

I have a job which, although it drives me insane sometimes, pays for my ballet habit, late-night dancing at the Pigalle club, Vanity Fair subscription and the occasional escape from the city. And sometimes I get a small amount of reward from it.

And last but not least, Lady Spring is this week gracing us with her gentle warmth and shining personality.

Ladies and Gentlemen, life is indeed, very sweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to hear you're enjoying all that you've worked hard for - and that some sunshine is finally on its way!

Love you lots xxx