Sunday 4 March 2012

5 great things about today

Sunday, 4th March, 2012

1. Coming downstairs this morning thinking I was going to have to fleece a piece of toast from the bread bin, only to find Becky taking her second batch of scones out of the oven. I just about peed my pants with joy

2. Having a mid-afternoon bath using the lame excuse of trying to ease the pressure on my sinuses, when actually I just wanted to cover my face in bubbles and re-enact the Prince sing-a-long scene from Pretty Woman

3. Mid-afternoon cooking in the kitchen with both an apron and Bon Iver, on

4. Sunday evening dinner table with the Franconia Ladies, a lovely glass of Zinfandel and excerpts of Caitlin Moran's genius book read aloud

5. Taking my bright new umbrella for a spin to Sainsbury's. Every time I looked up it made me happy again


big sis said...

oooh - the umbrella pic is so pretty!

Belinda Taylor said...

What a fabulous day! ummmm scones... clotted cream and jam? divine!