Saturday 27 October 2012

Ten things to tell the next generation of women

1. There will definitely be times when it is actually not you. It's them.

2. Food is fuel. It's also something to enjoy good times with friends and family over. Try not to over complicate it.

3. Being a teenager sucks most of the time. Believe us, it does get better.

4. Learn to love being alone. We're all required to do it sometime and it's best to learn to savour it.

5. Experiment, take risks, and make terrible fashion mistakes.

6. Keep your terrible fashion mistakes for future generations to laugh at and then eventually embrace as the cycle of fashion revolves.

7. The days of dance cards are gone so just ask him (or her) out. Otherwise years later you may well regret never telling the dry cleaning delivery man you had a huge crush on him.

8. Grow your special friendships like sunflowers; tend to them regularly, make sure they're propped up, have enough sunshine, and get the right amount of water. Then you'll probably find they're actually big, strong oak trees which will be with you year in, year out. Despite the season.

9. Never give up control of your life to anyone. Always keep some money, special items, passions and secrets to yourself. That way you'll forever retain some independence and inner strength that's only your very own.

10. You are the best person to decide what you were put on this earth to do. You will definitely forget this at times. Women have so many opportunities and choices available to them now. Your sole purpose in life is not to have children (although you may choose to do that one day). Don't let anyone make you think otherwise. Be the master of your own destiny.


big sis said...

hallelujah sister.

nickinatter said...

All very true! Well written Ezi!