Friday 19 February 2010

Books to read before I'm 30 - Book seven

'Affluenza' By Oliver James

I very distinctly remember being on a train in India, and having an in depth conversation with a local man who was very insistent on the fact that everyone in Western countries must be so 'happy'. How could they not be? And I could see his logic. Relatively we're very well-off; have health care which covers us, even if it is our own fault; and a welfare system to catch us should we 'fall'.

Then I remember boarding the Piccadilly line from Heathrow on landing in the UK, and looking around at my fellow passengers. I realised he was wrong. We weren't any happier. Despite all the extra capital.

Oliver James introduces the concept of 'Affluenza', an epidemic of needing to keep up with the Joneses which is making us twice as prone to depression, anxiety and addictions than those from the non-English speaking world.

I wont bore you, but this book should be read by anyone who feels they 'should' buy a house; 'needs' a so-called good job; or feels torn by the fact they want to be at home to raise their children rather than go back to work full time. In fact, just about everyone can get some good messages from this book. I certainly got plenty. A very appropriate book for someone to read before entering into their 30s.

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