I remember so vividly that morning you first came into my life. By text message. Spring was showing her sleepy face, with the morning sun slicing its way through the trees of Clapham Common as I walked to work; and small tribes of daffodils finally making an appearance.

But every time I see photos of you, a little bit inside of me hurts because I know that you're growing up without me. There is so much that I want to tell you about this strange but beautiful world we live in.
Don't let your sister tell you that you're adopted. Because you're not.
Jump in as many puddles as you can; spend time flying kites and chasing birds. Be persistent when learning to ride a bike, you'll fall once or twice at the beginning. And learn to rollerskate, because 20 something years later you might be at a rollerdisco somewhere, and it looks very cool if you can do it. Childhood is all too soon over. But being an adult is pretty great too.
See the world. Ride falling apart buses in India, and eat weird foods in China. See places which witnessed absolute horror in Europe, if only to remind yourself what a peaceful and young country you come from.
And always love your family. Because you'll discover that we'll always be there, in our own ways, quite ready to catch you should you fall.
Happy birthday little Niamh x
Don't make me cry at work
What lovely words you write Ezi, Ihope Niamh's mummy puts them into a scrapbook so Niamh can reflect on her Auntie's special love for her.
Oh Ezi...that is lovely....love your words of wisdom..so very true. XXX
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