Monday 1 March 2010

A lonely little pound

I was sitting on a bench in the middle of the afternoon, at a railway station somewhere in Manchester the other day, when I saw an abandoned one pound coin just along from me.

The next train to Nottingham wasn't for another thirty minutes, so I had time to sit and watch this little pound coin in between paragraphs of 'Organisational Behaviour'.

There he sat, waiting for someone to pay attention to him. But they just sat, and then stood, and pretended he didn't exist. Occasionally someone would notice him, but then very quickly carried on with their day. One guy even slid the little coin across the bench with his newspaper so he could sit down and read in peace.

Eventually I had to make my way to platform four, and so I left him there. By now, all alone again on the bench, waiting for someone to pick him up.

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