Sunday 30 December 2007

Good riddance 2007

I just realised, as I looked out over the sink into the Rectory's garden (patch of grass, rusting BBQ and budweiser cans) that my love for uneven numbers has been completely unfounded.

I have always liked unevens, despite the fact that my birthday is made up of almost entirely (apart from the 1 and the 9) even numbers. They are angular, odd and kind of quirky.

But, as I realised in my dishwashing epiphany, odds have never done anything good for me. Looking back over the years, odd years have generally been pants. All the good ones have been evens. 2006 - ruled. 2005 - lame. 2004 - very pleasing indeed. 2003 - average. Along with this - 2007 was, in one word, arse. In two words, mainly arse. In a sentence, mainly arse with a few good bits thrown in, apart from the last bit which was cool.

Now you don't have to be Stephen Hawking to figure out that according to this pattern 2008 is going to be absolutely blistering.

Happy 2008 everyone. Look at all those evens in there. Lovin' it.

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