Sunday 30 August 2009

My year of meat

When the doctor told me that my blood wasn't looking quite as hot as it usually does, I thought I'd try an experiment.

After 11 years of not eating red meat; any of our feathered friends; or indeed anything hoofed, I decided to test the waters. Just for a few months I'd try eating meat to see if anything changed.

So last week I had my 'coming out as a carnivore' dinner party.

A lot of organic beef and 18 outdoor-reared pork chipolatas went into the making of it.

Everyone seemed to enjoy their beef & ale stew and stomach of steel reacted fine to its first proper meat meal for over a decade.

Now let's see if it makes me run faster.


Special K said...

mmm. That post made me want to run down to the cafe and get a sausage.

big sis said...

Don't think of the animals - just shut your eyes and bite.